2017中国可视化与可视分析大会艺术展览(China VISAP’17)






    Title: Coming or Going
    Year: 2015
    Medium: Generative video, made using custom fluid dynamics software
    Artist: University of Illinois
    Description: unkown

    Title: Mapping the Colosseo and the Panteon through Le Antichità Romane
    Year: 2016
    Medium: unkown
    Artist: Brad Tober, Boston University
    Description: Mapping the Colosseo and the Panteon through Le Antichità Romane is a custom-designed, purpose specific information visualization of Le Antichità Romane, a collection of etchings of ancient Rome by printmaker Giovanni Battista Piranesi. As a reference work, the nature of this data is very much nonlinear (for example, there is no single / consistent pagination system throughout the work), yet it features a significant hierarchical categorization. The concept for this visualization initially arose out of a colleague’s desire to track each textual / image reference of two buildings, the Colosseo (Colosseum) and the Panteon (Pantheon), throughout the data set. These references cross the hierarchical structure of the data set, and so the final visualization leverages formal qualities such as value, pattern, directional arrows, and textual labels to identify the relationships between the pages of the collection. The specific use of these formal qualities was informed by set / graph theory concepts such as Euler, spider, and constraint diagrams.
    This visualization, and the process used to design it, was described in detail in the January 2016 issue of the Parsons Journal for Information Mapping. For exhibition purposes, the submitted work not only includes the original visualization, but also visualizes all of the content pages of Le Antichità Romane and uses color to highlight specific Colosseo and Panteon references throughout the work.

    Title: Downtown LA Art Walk Project
    Year: 2014
    Artist: IChun Lin, California State University; Chen Wang, California State University
    Description: The Downtown LA Artwalk Project is a monthly showcase and celebration of over forty galleries, dozen restaurants, bars, hundreds of artists, and artworks located in Downtown Los Angeles.
    Although the purpose of this project is rebranding downtown LA Artwalk with new identity and a mobile application, data visualization played a critical role through the whole design process and the final execution. The concept utilizing graphic representations and integrating with different medium to categorizing, filtering and visualizing large amount of gallery data as new ways to view, simplify and navigate the complex information.
    This APP is a tool that allows users to do four activities: VIEW forty-two galleries artworks related data. INTERACT with the data of a user-created way. SHARE their personalized map with friends. Lastly, ENGAGE with the information and data in a fun, visual way.

    Title: Occupy the Amendment
    Year: 2014
    Medium: Artistic Data Visualization
    Artist: Jeff Hemsley, Syracuse University
    Description: On November 2nd, 2011, thousands of protestors blocked the entrances to the Port of Oakland California, one of most economically important U.S. shipping ports. Organizers used Twitter for organization, information diffusion and general chatter that day, creating over 100,000 tweets with the hashtag #OccupyOakland on that single day. This piece is a network visualization made up those tweets. The labels represent people and the width of the lines connecting them reflect how often those two people retweet each other. All of the protestor’s names have been replaced with text from the first amendment of the U.S. Bill of Rights. There are thousands of user labels, so the first amendment is repeated over and over like a mantra. This modern day, data-driven, network visualization has been rendered as if the labels and lines were hand drawn on parchment the way they might have been over 200 year ago when the U.S. Bill of Rights was written. The intent is to draw attention to the tension between our founding national values and today’s economic and political challenges to those values.

    Title: Weather Data
    Year: unknown
    Medium: unknown
    Artist: Lauren Thorson, Virginia Commonwealth University
    Description: unknown

    Title: Seven Days in Beijing | 北京七日
    Year: 2015
    Medium: Digital Print
    Artist: Yvette Shen, Ohio State University
    Description: “Seven Days in Beijing” documented the weeklong trip I took in Beijing during summer 2015. Each photo shows a historical site I visited on a particular day. The graph overlying the photo displays the hourly changes of the air quality condition of that day. The air quality is visualized by the hourly AQI (Air Quality Index) and PM2.5 data over the twenty-four hours. The hourly AQI and PM2.5 data were retrieved from the U.S. Embassy’s twitter account @beijingair. The length is proportional to the value of the daily AQI. The size is proportional to the circulation amount of the PM2.5 (μg/m3). And the color scale is based on the color-coded chart developed by the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency). It shows the level of health risk – the more green the healthier and the more red the unhealthier.
    The objective of the project is to make the air pollution visible – by imaging it. The visual design explores the flexibility of digital images – a vessel for volumes of information that allows the visual images to reflect layers of objective records. Technology and graphic resources are possible to use multiple perspectives to depict deeper levels of knowledge and understanding. Just like how storytelling can be unraveled from a range of angles, visual narrative as well can be constructed by multiple dimensions of viewpoints.

    Title: VINCI
    Year: 2017
    Medium: Digital Video
    Artist: 任远, 北京任远创意文化有限公司
    Description: “VINCI” is a digital video created by Ren Yuan. The visual part of the work was generated by Ren Yuan through coding: he simulated a neural network through abstract node connection, then generated various forms based on the network structure. The whole network consists of 1950 nodes with short-range connections to each other. The music in “VINCI” was composed by Artist Liu Yiwei.
    Note: Alan Turing published Computing Machinery and Intelligence in 1950, proposing his famous theory of Turing test.

    Title: 脉动北京 | 首都国际机场进出港航班飞行轨迹可视化
    Year: 2017
    Medium: 装置
    Artist: 江治邦,刘强强,陆旻,袁晓如,北京大学
    Description: 该作品展示了2017年4月22日北京首都国际机场进出港航班的飞行轨迹。作者将采样点映射在地图上,通过采样点间插值,还原全日飞行轨迹的运动过程。按照时间等维度,轨迹被制作成不同的时光胶片,并产生了四个主题。通过转动标签可以将任意两张胶片进行叠加,从而探索主题中的故事。

    Title: 天猫11.11
    Year: 2017
    Medium: 图片
    Artist: 刘聪,同济大学
    Description: 收集天猫11.11降价数据,在不同类商品类别上对降价前后对价格进行可视化,不同颜色代表降价前后,竖向不同位置代表不同类别。

    Title: Cut The Fruit |切水果
    Year: 2016
    Medium: 海报
    Artist: 杜晓君,姜瀚,韩瑞,张世奇,同济大学
    Description: 《Cut The Fruit》是一组基于三种中国市场常见水果:不同种类的苹果、梨、桃的营养价值信息等的数据可视化分析。

    Title: The Effects of Videogame
    Year: 2016
    Medium: 图片
    Artist: 邬诗雨,李景成,潘梦真,谷菡,同济大学
    Description: unknown

    Title: 造像度量经可视化
    Year: 2016
    Medium: 交互可视化网站
    Artist: 李谦升,陈志刚,陈勉鹰,王一平,上海大学上海美术学院
    Description: 本作品根据藏传佛教《造像量度经》中所描述绘制佛像的比例关系数据,通过交互式的可视化作品将经文中对不同姿势佛像的绘制比例要求表现了出来,让观者可以亲身体会藏传佛教中佛陀造型的精确性。

    Title: 川流
    Year: 2017
    Medium: Generative Art
    Artist: 裴峰,算法艺术实验室
    Description: 通过对流体运动规律和国画笔触的拆解,把时间的变化转化为线条的韵律,用瞬时的海量计算,写意的表现川流不息的韵律之美。



     《2017中国可视化与可视分析大会艺术展览(China VISAP’17)作品征集通知》


  • 具有美学感知的可视化作品
  • 具有创造性交互方式的可视化作品
  • 商业智能可视化
  • 媒体可视化
  • 新数据模式的可视化
  • 现场编码流数据
  • 数据语义
  • 三维可视化,虚拟现实环境和沉浸式可视分析
  • 计算机数字摄影
  • 环境信息显示
  • 故事剧本可视化
  • 设计研究
  • 数字人文可视化


  • 作品提交截止时间:2017 年 5 月 24 日
  • 通知作品收录时间:2017 年 6 月 10 日
  • 论文录用通知:2017 年 6 月 24 日
  • 展览日期:2017 年 7 月 17 日 - 19 日



  • 作品文件附件名称请按照如下命名方式:姓_名_1,姓_名_2,姓_名_3等。文件大小不超过20兆,如需传送大文件,请改用云存储方式以供组委会下载。
  • 所有附件图片需要高清晰度图,文件格式请转为为jpg、png、gif等通用格式。
  • 录像文件请发送mov、avi等格式,也可提交网络流媒体格式下载,如有下载密码请告知组委会文档下载密码。
  • 随作品请提交一份作品说明文档,包括提交作品的名称,作者,媒体形式,尺寸大小及作品维度(2D、3D还是4D作品等),以及作品年份。
  • 展览日期:2017 年 7 月 17 日 - 19 日

    本次展览首次尝试在可视化的计算机科学领域的学术会议中举行可视化设计及艺术展览,欢迎各位朋友发邮件至ChinaVISAP@gmail.com,联系艺术展主席们,我们将广纳谏言,将China VISAP展览越办越好。