CSIG-VIS International Lecture Series 23
    Dr. Chaoli Wang | State-of-the-Art Deep Learning for Scientific Visualization Research

    Speaker: Dr. Chaoli Wang

    University of Notre Dame

    Topic: State-of-the-Art Deep Learning for Scientific Visualization Research

    Time: December 15,2022 19:00-20:30 Beijing time (UTC/GMT+08:00)

    Abstract: Over the past five years, deep learning for scientific visualization (DL4SciVis) has quickly become a focused direction in visualization research, Solutions based on well-known CNNs and GANs have been extensively utilized to solve various SciVis problems, such as representation learning, data generation, and visualization generation. in this talk, I will give an overview of state-of-the-art DL4SciVis research, briefly introduce related work from my research group, and finally discus.our recent work named CoordNet. CoordNet leverages multilayer perceptrons to ingest coordinates and predicts quantities of interest. We demonstrate that such as implicit neural representation can complete different data generation and visualization generation tasks using the same network design and architecture, achieving better results than conventional and existing deep learning-based solutions. The talk will conclude with research opportunities and open challenges for this vibrant DL4SciVis research direction.

    Speaker Bio: Chaoli Wang is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Notre Dame. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer and InformationScience from The Ohio State University. Dr. Wang's primary research interest is scientific visualization. He has published around 120 refereed papers in international journals and conferences, including 28 IEEE VIS or IEEE TVCG papers, the flagship conference and journal in the field, Dr. Wang is a recipient of the U.S. National ScienceFoundation CAREER Award, He has served the professional community as a Paper Co-Chair for multiple visualization conferences (IEEE VIS IEEE PacificVis. IEEE LDAV, ChinaVis, and 1SVC), an Associate Editor of lEEE TVCG, a member of the SteeringCommittee of IEEE LDAV, and the International Liaison of the IEEE VGTC ExecutiveCommittee, For more information, please visit https://sites.nd.edu/chaoli-wang/.

    Live Stream: https://live.bilibili.com/26332543


    Session Chair: Prof. Richen Liu

    Nanjing Normal University

    About Us

    Webpage: http://chinavis.org/lectures/english/index_en.html

    About CSIG-VIS

    The China Society of Image and Graphics, Technical Committee on Visualization and Visual Analytics (CSIG-VIS) is the first technical committee on visualization and visual analytics in China. The technical committee aims to develop a communication platform for stakeholders in academia and industry, to discuss the trends and opportunities in the era of big data, to promote the discipline development and talent cultivation, to push forward the research and applications in the related disciplines, and ultimately to build a sustainable ecosystem involving industry, universities, and other research institutes. The technical committee, officially established on December 23, 2017, already attracts more than 100 members from various affiliations, including domestic and international universities and companies.

    About The CSIG-VIS International Lecture Series

    The CSIG-VIS International Lecture Series, launched by the China Society of Image and Graphics, Technical Committee on Visualization and Visual Analytics, invites renowned experts to share their visions of the research trends and latest progress in visualization. These biweekly lectures are conducted in Thursday, and please refer to http://chinavis.org /lectures/english/index_en.html for details.