CSIG-VIS International Lecture Series 31
Prof. Cagatay Turkay | From decision-making to communication: Data Visualisation during the pandemic

Speaker: Cagatay Turkay

University of Warwick

Topic: From decision-making to communication:Data Visualisation during the pandemic

Time: 2023/11/28 7:00am

Abstract: In this talk, Cagatay Turkay will share our recent research results on developing interactive data visualisations to facilitate an engaged epidemiological model building process to inform public health policy-making, as well as empirical research that study the extent that visualisations support the understanding of complex models of disease dynamics, and a visualisation-based workshop to teach school kids about how to use data and simulations to understand disease spread. Through these examples, the talk will aim to highlight visualisation both as a human-centred data analysis methodology in an increasingly automated landscape, and as a lens to study interactions between people and data.

Speaker Bio: Cagatay Turkay is a Professor at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies at the University of Warwick, UK and a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, London, UK. His research investigates the interactions between data, algorithms and people, and explores the role of interactive visualisation and other interaction mediums such as natural language at this intersection. He designs techniques and algorithms that are sensitive to their users in various decision-making scenarios involving primarily high-dimensional and spatio-temporal phenomena, and develops methods to study how people work interactively with data and computed artefacts.

Live Stream: Tencent Meeting:425-984-118 Password:231128

Session Chair: Xiaoru Yuan

Peking University

About Us

Webpage: http://chinavis.org/lectures/english/index_en.html


The China Society of Image and Graphics, Technical Committee on Visualization and Visual Analytics (CSIG-VIS) is the first technical committee on visualization and visual analytics in China. The technical committee aims to develop a communication platform for stakeholders in academia and industry, to discuss the trends and opportunities in the era of big data, to promote the discipline development and talent cultivation, to push forward the research and applications in the related disciplines, and ultimately to build a sustainable ecosystem involving industry, universities, and other research institutes. The technical committee, officially established on December 23, 2017, already attracts more than 100 members from various affiliations, including domestic and international universities and companies.

About The CSIG-VIS International Lecture Series

The CSIG-VIS International Lecture Series, launched by the China Society of Image and Graphics, Technical Committee on Visualization and Visual Analytics, invites renowned experts to share their visions of the research trends and latest progress in visualization. These biweekly lectures are conducted in Thursday, and please refer to http://chinavis.org /lectures/english/index_en.html for details.