CSIG-VIS International Lecture Series 24
Prof. Holger Theisel | Objective Flow Visualization

Speaker: Prof. Holger Theisel

Magdeburg University

Topic: Objective Flow Visualization

Time: January 12,2023 19:00-20:30 Beijing time (UTC/GMT+08:00)

Abstract: Objectivity is a concept from continuum mechanics, demanding invariance of a measure under continuous changes of the reference frame (coordinate system). A measure should be independent of the observer, different observers moving in different frames should come to the same conclusion about an objective measure. While objectivity appears a rather natural condition for a useful measure, it creates problems for the analysis of flows because velocity fields are not objective. This has triggered quite some research in recent years in both computational fluid dynamics and flow visualization to come up with objective flow measures and resulting objective flow visualization techniques. With give an overview about existing objective flow measures. In particular we focus on generic measures, i.e., approaches to transform any flow measure into an objective one. We describe recent approaches to objectivize general flow measures and resolve a dispute about the objectivity and other desired properties of our approaches.

Speaker Bio: Holger Theisel is professor for Visual Computing at Magdeburg University (Germany). He received his Ph.D. (1996) and habilitation (2001) degrees from the University of Rostock (Germany), and had research stays at Arizona State University (USA), ICIMAF Havana (Cuba), MPI Informatik Saarbrücken (Germany), and Bielefeld University (Germany). His research interests focus on scientific visualization as well as on geometric design, geometry processing and information visualization and Visual Analytics. He co-authored more than 70 papers in the top journals in the field. He served as General Chair of the IEEE VIS 2018 conference in Berlin.

Live Stream: https://live.bilibili.com/26332543


Session Chair: Prof. Le Liu

Northwestern Polytechnical University

About Us

Webpage: http://chinavis.org/lectures/english/index_en.html


The China Society of Image and Graphics, Technical Committee on Visualization and Visual Analytics (CSIG-VIS) is the first technical committee on visualization and visual analytics in China. The technical committee aims to develop a communication platform for stakeholders in academia and industry, to discuss the trends and opportunities in the era of big data, to promote the discipline development and talent cultivation, to push forward the research and applications in the related disciplines, and ultimately to build a sustainable ecosystem involving industry, universities, and other research institutes. The technical committee, officially established on December 23, 2017, already attracts more than 100 members from various affiliations, including domestic and international universities and companies.

About The CSIG-VIS International Lecture Series

The CSIG-VIS International Lecture Series, launched by the China Society of Image and Graphics, Technical Committee on Visualization and Visual Analytics, invites renowned experts to share their visions of the research trends and latest progress in visualization. These biweekly lectures are conducted in Thursday, and please refer to http://chinavis.org /lectures/english/index_en.html for details.