2024 PKU International Visualization Summer School Registration

Academic - Student
Academic - Faculty
Computer Science
Application Fields (including humanities\social sciences\science\engineering, etc.)
Formal Audit
* One letter of recommendation are required for formal student applications, and no recommendation letter requiremnt for informal student applications. The recommender is requested to send the recommendation letter to pkuvis@pku.edu.cn with the title of the email indicating "[2023 Visualization Summer School Recommendation Letter]-student name-name of the recommender". Letters of recommendation should be sent from the official email address of the institution. The non-official email will be considered invalid if it cannot be verified. Please do not send by students. If the mail does not meet the standards, the information is incomplete or does not contain a letter of recommendation, the application will be invalid. After the submitted application is reviewed and approved by the expert committee, the applicant will receive an email notification.
* Any question on registration, please contact pkuvis@pku.edu.cn.
* Any registration information to be revised,please contact pkuvis@pku.edu.cn, and please do not register repeadedly.