CSIG-VIS International Lecture Series 28
Till Nagel | Moving people. Non-traditional forms of visualizing mobility.

Speaker: Till Nagel

Mannheim University of Applied Sciences

Topic: Moving people. Non-traditional forms of visualizing mobility.

Time: June 08,2023 19:00-20:30 Beijing time (UTC/GMT+08:00)

Abstract: In recent years, mobility is increasingly recorded digitally through various sensors and systems. In the resulting vast amounts of data lie countless stories of movement. Thus, there is the need to explore the spatio-temporality of these data sets. Common flow maps and other traditional visualization techniques help to reveal patterns and relationships inside various movement data but typically focus on analytical tasks. Through a series of alternate mobility representations we investigated new ways to support people making sense of complex phenomenon relevant to their own experience. In my talk I will present and discuss experimental visualizations aiming to encourage a reflective use of individual and aggregated movement data.

Speaker Bio: Dr. Till Nagel is a Research Professor of Visual Analytics at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, where he heads the Human Data Interaction Lab, which investigates new ways of supporting different target groups with interactive data representations. A major focus of his research is around the themes of urban data and mobility visualizations, and in tools and methods to construct visualizations. He is a co-editor of the book Making with Data (2023), a member of the IEEE VIS Arts Program (VISAP) Steering Committee, and is an Associate with the Medical Faculty Mannheim of Heidelberg University. https://www.hdilab.org

Live Stream: https://live.bilibili.com/26332543


Session Chair: Prof. Zipeng Liu

Beihang University

About Us

Webpage: http://chinavis.org/lectures/english/index_en.html


The China Society of Image and Graphics, Technical Committee on Visualization and Visual Analytics (CSIG-VIS) is the first technical committee on visualization and visual analytics in China. The technical committee aims to develop a communication platform for stakeholders in academia and industry, to discuss the trends and opportunities in the era of big data, to promote the discipline development and talent cultivation, to push forward the research and applications in the related disciplines, and ultimately to build a sustainable ecosystem involving industry, universities, and other research institutes. The technical committee, officially established on December 23, 2017, already attracts more than 100 members from various affiliations, including domestic and international universities and companies.

About The CSIG-VIS International Lecture Series

The CSIG-VIS International Lecture Series, launched by the China Society of Image and Graphics, Technical Committee on Visualization and Visual Analytics, invites renowned experts to share their visions of the research trends and latest progress in visualization. These biweekly lectures are conducted in Thursday, and please refer to http://chinavis.org /lectures/english/index_en.html for details.